As I started to watch all of my friends get married years ago, I always kept a particular eye on who Bryan (your husband) would end up with. Not a literal eye, like a stalker, but more a protective eye on him. I had seen some of my friends, most who you do not know, enter into marriages that probably were not very healthy or that should not have been entered into at all.
Then Bryan married you, and it just made sense. It has been such a pleasure getting to know you over the years as well as to get to watch your marriage with Bryan. You are perfect for him in every way, and until you came along, I had a hard time envisioning the type of person it would take to deal with him (you know exactly what I mean). You are a fantastic mother and husband and so incredibly patient when he and I are in the same room.
I am so excited to continue sharing in your life with you and Bryan and to see you turn into a mother of billions of little Ray's. I know my future wife will certainly enjoy your company as well as we will hang out frequently. Thanks for being so loving and caring to one of my best friends. I wish you the best on your 30th birthday. By the way, you are old.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Love You 1/2 pint!
I can't even begin to tell you how much you mean to me. I am so very thankful for you! You have been such an encouragement to me and have played a huge part in helping me become who I am today. I know that I can always come to you for advice whether its about relationships, school, or what outfit to wear. It has been so fun watching you with Millie. You are an awesome Mom and I have learned a ton about how I want to raise my kids by being around you. I love being able to spend time with you when I am at home--it is honestly one of my favorite things to do (it always has been!--remember hello kitty stories and sleeping in your twin bed??). Thank you for being who you are. I love you so much and I'm praying health and protection over you and little "Owie". I can't wait to meet him! Happy 30th!!
Philippians 1:3
Sweeping Beauty :)
Monday, June 29, 2009
Love you sister!!!
Al! Happy 30th!!! You are such a blessing to us even though we are so far away!! I know I can always call and talk to you and you will always feel like you are so close no matter how far apart we are. I have loved being your sister and always have the most fun when I am with you! I had such a fun time when you came to visit Boston! We got to see and do so many fun things and of course the most fun was just all hanging out with each other! There were, of course, lots of treats involved!! I think my favorite treat was the Ben & Jerry's when all 4 of us just passed it back and forth until it was gone!!! So fun :) Although I am always partial to the ice cream truck!! It was such a special trip and I know we will remember it forever! You are such an amazing sister, friend, and mom and I love that you had precious Owen in your tummy while you were here! One day he will love to see those pics! We are praying for him and cannot wait until he is born! We love you so very much! Love, Mag P.S. a couple quick quotes!! 1. IIII weeeaaaar eyyyyeeelina 2. I got news, your gonna lose 3. why you such a runt 4. carmel machiatoooooooo 5. pillow talk...youuuu arrrre my inspirrraaaaation....allison 6. triancool
Sunday, June 28, 2009
O Yummers!

One thing I love about you Al is that you love getting treats! Sometimes at dinner you won't eat much and I begin to think something is weird or that you must not feel well, but then right after dinner you say, "I feel like a treat!" Your face lights up with excitement and 99 times out of 100, we get one! Our daughter is turning into a treat-lover herself because of you. This is just one of the many things I love about you.
The picture shown is from a place in Boston. That is a waffle cone that was rolled in marshmallow cream and cocoa crispies, I believe. Then, throw in some ice cream on top. What's not to like? You know its a good treat when you say, "Hey, grab the camera. I want to take a picture with this!!!"
- Bry
Its true! My wife is almost 30 years old!
This blog has been created for the sole reason of blessing my beautiful wife Allison. I think a blog is appropriate in this season of our lives because Al loves to blog. She's always on the computer blogging it up and likes to read other people's blogs. Feel free to write an encourage note, post a video, post your favorite picture of you two, etc. On her 30th birthday, I'll show it to her!
Shhh! Its a secret.
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