Thursday, July 2, 2009

Happy 30th Birthday, Allison!

For the last several years I have been dreading being in my 30's. I just knew that on my 30th Birthday I would officially feel old and depressed, but the Lord truly surprised me in a way I never would have expected. I woke up on my 30th Birthday last November and felt excitement, hope, passion, zeal, and expectancy. I realized that during the time span from 20 to 30 I had grown so much, been blessed beyond comprehension, and was more in love with Jesus than ever. This made me excited to see what would happen between 30 and 40.
I pray today that the Lord would show you how far He has already brought you and the new places He wants to take you. I pray He will bless you above and beyond what you could ever ask, think, or imagine. I pray He will give you a new excitement and fresh hope today as you join the "30 club".
Today as I was looking on the Internet for ideas for Jude and Owen's hospital banners, I couldn't help but remember the time when John and I came to Denver and you taught me how to paint. I have such a passion for art and painting that I never would of had without you teaching me and giving me the confidence. You are so talented, and I am thankful that you rubbed some of that off on me! Can you believe we are about to have babies a month apart...AGAIN!!!!!? Wow! What a blessing...I know they will be the best of friends and cousins.
Allison, I am so blessed to have you as my sister-in-law and friend. Thank you for being so wonderful and thoughtful all the time! You are the best when it comes to remembering Birthdays and holidays and making them special, so I hope yours is extra special in return. I love you! Love, Katrina

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